Rwanda News Digest Website will provide News stories, PR News, Experts
‘opinions, Feature stories and advertorials.
We developed the idea, we mobilized skilled reporters, However we are facing financial constraints for the Design of this Web. Kindly Support us to make our dream a reality, we are here for you and your for us.
We developed the idea, we mobilized skilled reporters, However we are facing financial constraints for the Design of this Web. Kindly Support us to make our dream a reality, we are here for you and your for us.
Area of Focus
The Main Objective
Rwanda News Digest main objective is to provide to Audience Timely,
Accurate and Well researched News stories in a professional approach as part of
Communication for Development.
For Supports whether technical, advice or any other contribution
Contact us via E-mail:
Twitter: @angevictLinkedIn: Dusabemungu Ange de la Victoire
Tel: (+250) 787105131